
Climate change

Image from David Suzuki

Join our Climate Action Team

The team meets monthly and comes up with great ideas and actions to increase renewable energy at the local and state level. Contact Camilla Feibelman for more information and to join the Climate Action team at camilla.feibelman@sierraclub.org.

Join our Go Solar Now NM Team

Please visit www.GoSolarNowNM.info to learn more about solar, and contact Sandrine Gaillard at sandrine.sierraclub@gmail.com with your solar questions, or to help promote solar.

Join our Zero Waste Team

Please contact co-­chairs Carol Chamberland at pictografix@comcast.net or Laurie Zunner at lzunner@hotmail.com with questions or to join our Zero Waste team.

Animas River, 2015


Join our Water Action Team

The Water Action Team works on our priority water issues and strategize on legislative and regulatory issues. Contact Dale Doremus, Water Team chair, at ddoremus@q.com to find out more and to join the team.

Fight dairy contamination

If you’re in streams in Southern New Mexico, contact Eric Patterson at eepatt@gmail.com or 575­.776.­2833

Become a Water Sentinel

If you live in Northern New Mexico and would like to become a Water Sentinel and monitor streams for contamination, contact Shannon Romeling at sromeling73@gmail.com or (518) 275 - 7681.

Protect the Gila

If you would like to help protect the Gila Contact Allyson Siwik, Gila Resources Information Project, at allysonsiwik@gmail.com or 575­.590­.7619

Public lands

Volunteers photo from the BLM

Join the Bosque Action Team

Come to the monthly meetings and help strategize about how we can preserve and protect the Bosque. Contact Richard Barish at richard.barish@gmail.com to learn more and get involved.

Become a Bosque Sentinel

To help protect what makes our Bosque so special, we’re forming a Bosque Sentinels Program. If you are interested, you can select a part of the Bosque that you’d like to monitor. You’ll get to know the terrain and be able to report to Open Space if there are litter, fire or vandalism problems. You’ll get to know the different projects that the Army Corps of Engineers, Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District or the city are carrying out and be able to interpret those projects to other users. You also might become a trained outings leader and take people to visit the area. If you’d like to get involved please email savethebosque@gmail.com.

Meet a few of our great Bosque Sentinels here.

Protect Chaco

To learn more and find out how you can help, please contact Miya King-Flaherty at (505) 301-0863 or miya.king-flaherty@sierraclub.org.

Join our Organ Mountains­ Desert Peaks Action Team

To help protect our national monuments, Contact Camilla Feibelman at camilla.feibelman@sierraclub.org.

Have a voice in land management

To get involved in affecting land­ management decisions at Rio Grande del Norte, contact Tom Gorman at gormantd@gmail.com or 505.­438.­3932

Join the Otero Mesa Action Team

The Otero Mesa Action Team, from our El Paso Group territory, is actively participating with the BLM's Las Cruces District Office in the development of the Resource Management Plan’s Supplement that deals with gas and oil as well as identifying Lands with Wilderness Characteristics on the Mesa. Contact Jerry Kurtyka for more information on Action Team meetings and events at jerrykurtyka@hotmail.com.

Lobo photo from Wikipedia


Join our Wildlife Team

We rally, write letters to the editor, advocate at Game Commission meetings and the Legislature and much more to protect New Mexico and West Texas wildlife. Contact Mary Katherine Ray at mkrscrim@gmail.com.

Things you can do

2024 Climate Solutions Town Halls

In August, “Gen Green” will engage with communities across New Mexico with the goal of educating and empowering our community through a series of Climate Solutions - Just Transition Town Halls. Albuquerque August 8, Las Cruces August 14, Taos August ...

Opinion: ‘Produced water’ must be kept out of our state’s rivers and streams

We're in the news: Albuquerque Journal op-ed piece includes member Dale Doremus. June 16, 2024 ...

Tell the NM Oil Conservation Commission we want oil and gas operators paying to clean up their toxic pollution!

NM taxpayers are often left paying the clean-up bill for low or non-producing wells that leak toxic chemicals into the groundwater. The industry’s “insurance coverage” doesn’t include enough funding to address the actual costs. Tell the Commission the rules need ...

Stop growth of staggering $8 billion oil and gas cleanup gap

Advocates across New Mexico petitioned the Oil Conservation Commission to modernize woefully outdated laws governing oil and gas cleanup, financial assurance and operator transfers ...