
About the Northern New Mexico Group

The Northern New Mexico Group is one of five regional groups within the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club.

We cover all of Northern New Mexico except for the Los Alamos area and work on projects ranging from protection of the Greater Santa Fe watershed, successfully promoting the State Wildlife Action Plan for at risk species, increasing city and county solar funding, educating decision makers about Zero Waste, conducting air monitoring and assessing health impacts from oil drilling in Chaco communities,and  assisting Water Sentinels in testing northern rivers for contaminants.

For outings, please visit our Meetup group page.

Contact Us

Executive Committee

Chair: John Buchser, (505) 820-0201jbuchser@comcast.net (water issues)
Vice-chair, Secretary:  Shannon Romeling, (575) 758-3874sromeling73@gmail.com
Political chair: Ken Hughes, (505) 474-0550b1family@icloud.com
Chris Calvert, chriscalvert82@gmail.com
Tom Gorman, gormantd@gmail.com, (505) 438-3932
Susan Martin, (505) 988-5206smartin316@gmail.com
Norman Norvelle, norvellehome@msn.com 
Carlos Trujillo, carlosftrujillo@gmail.com
Joe Wells, joe.wells@sbcglobal.net

Other responsibilities

Outings: Alan Shapiro, (505­) 424­-9242, nm5s@yahoo.com
Book Distributor: Janet Peacock, (505­) 988­-8929

Header photo by Ron Reiring, available at Flickr

Day Hikes in the Santa Fe Area

We publish the 9th edition of the popular Day Hikes in the Santa Fe Area guidebook. It is available at most Santa Fe book stores and in local REI outlets. The 9th edition is not available through Amazon. For more information, read this post.