
About the Pajarito - Los Alamos Group

The Pajarito Group of the Sierra Club was established to protect the Valles Caldera from private developers. In 2015, the caldera was transferred to the National Park Service management, which should better protect the area. We continue to lobby for judicious management of the Valles Caldera National Preserve along with covering environmental issues in Los Alamos County and the Jemez­ Mountain area, including:

  • Reducing single-­use shopping bags in Los Alamos
  • Retaining open space
  • Working towards a sustainable Los Alamos

How you can make a difference

Join the volunteers helping to restore Bandelier trails destroyed in the Cerro Grande Fire and subsequent flooding. The work is appropriate for any age. Contact Kevin Stillman at kevin_stillman@nps.gov to get the volunteer alerts, or Jody Benson at anteaterjb@gmail.com.

Letters to the editor reach thousands of people and are a great way to advocate for issues. Join our Rio Writers listserv or participate in Lunch and Learn workshops on effective letter-writing (by phone or in person). For either, contact camilla.feibelman@sierraclub.org, 505-715-8388.

Contact Us

Executive Committee

Jody Benson, anteaterjb@gmail.com(505) 662-4782
Howard Barnum, hnbarnum@aol.com
Cheryl Bell, bellrancho@gmail.com, (505) 672-9655
Iris Chung, itlchung@hotmail.com
Michael DiRosa, mddbbm@gmail.com 
Jessie Emerson osoherbalsjessie@gmail.com, (505) 470-1363
Nona Girardi, nonamg@aol.com
Carene Larmat, carenelarmat@gmail.com, (505) 920-5675
Tom Ribe, tribe@swadventures.com

Treasurer: Mark Jones, Jonesmm1@comcast.net, (505) 662-9443

Committee Chairs

Conservation: Michael DiRosa, mddbbm@gmail.com
Endangered species & wildlife: Cheryl Bell, bellrancho@gmail.com, (505) 672-9655
Global Warming: Charles Keller, alfanso@cybermesa.com, (505) 662-7915
Mining: David Torney, dtorney@valornet.com, (575) 829-3433
Valles Caldera Issues:  Tom Ribe, tribe@swadventures.com
Water Issues: Barbara Calef, bfcalef@yahoo.com, (505) 662-3825
Zero Waste, School Liaison: Jody Benson, anteaterjb@gmail.com, (505) 662-4782
Open Space: Howard Barnum, hnbarnun@aol.com

Mailing address

520 Navajo Road, Los Alamos, NM, 87544

How to get involved at the Roundhouse

Democracy doesn’t end with the vote; it begins with the vote. If America is truly a representative democracy, our vote means that we have hired people to represent our values. Our responsibility is to learn how to communicate these values to our representatives. It’s tedious, seemingly futile work, but without our participation, our country will devolve into a plutocracy where the only squeaky wheels are owned by those who can afford to buy a network on which to squeak them.

Read Senator Peter Wirth’s Top 10 Tips for Citizen Advocacy at the New Mexico Legislature.

The Los Alamos County Senators are Richard Martinez and Carlos Cisneros. Our Representative is Stephanie Garcia Richard. Each of them welcomes constituent input.

Pajarito Platuea photo by Mark Kaletka.

News from the Pajarito group

2024 Climate Solutions Town Halls

In August, “Gen Green” will engage with communities across New Mexico with the goal of educating and empowering our community through a series of Climate Solutions - Just Transition Town Halls. Albuquerque August 8, Las Cruces August 14, Taos August ...

Opinion: ‘Produced water’ must be kept out of our state’s rivers and streams

We're in the news: Albuquerque Journal op-ed piece includes member Dale Doremus. June 16, 2024 ...

Tell the NM Oil Conservation Commission we want oil and gas operators paying to clean up their toxic pollution!

NM taxpayers are often left paying the clean-up bill for low or non-producing wells that leak toxic chemicals into the groundwater. The industry’s “insurance coverage” doesn’t include enough funding to address the actual costs. Tell the Commission the rules need ...

Stop growth of staggering $8 billion oil and gas cleanup gap

Advocates across New Mexico petitioned the Oil Conservation Commission to modernize woefully outdated laws governing oil and gas cleanup, financial assurance and operator transfers ...