The Greater Chaco Coalition commends New Mexico State Land Office Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard for the renewal of the 2019 Executive Order No. 2019-002. This order reinstates a moratorium on new oil and gas leasing covering 72,776 acres of state trust lands in the Greater Chaco area through December 21, 2043. The Commissioner’s commitment is one step on the path to ending the sacrifice of Indigenous lands and lives to toxic, destructive fossil fuels in Greater Chaco and beyond. 12/14/2023.
Greater Chaco Coalition Calls on Administration to Follow Through with “Honoring Chaco”
On the two-year anniversary of the launch of the Honoring Chaco Initiative (HCI), the Greater Chaco Coalition is calling on Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to follow through with her promise to protect all of Greater Chaco and move forward with the Honoring Chaco Initiative.
Greater Chaco Coalition Calls for Stronger Protection Efforts for the Greater Chaco Landscape in Response to Congressional Hearing
The Greater Chaco Coalition (Frack Off Chaco) reaffirms its unwavering commitment to safeguard the culturally significant Greater Chaco Landscape. The Coalition is voicing its concerns over the proposed bill that threatens to nullify the Biden administration’s administrative withdrawal, and hinder the progress made through the Honoring Chaco Initiative.
In the news – Chaco Canyon
June 27, 2023: T J Trout interviews Miya King Flaherty and Mario Attencio from the Torreon Chapter of the Navajo Nation about Chaco Canyon and it’s importance both culturally and environmentally on News Radio KKOB.
In the news – Native America Calling
June 12, 2023, Native America Calling episode on President Biden’s 20-year ban on new oil and gas leases surrounding Chaco Canyon.
Secretary Haaland Protects Chaco Canyon From Oil, Gas Drilling
In response to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s decision to prohibit new federal oil and gas leasing within 10 miles of the Chaco Culture National Historical Park, members of the Greater Chaco Coalition called on the Biden administration to end all new federal fossil fuel leasing across the country. The coalition also called on the administration to do more to live up to its promises to develop a landscape-level approach for resource management in the Greater Chaco region and address the climate crisis.
D.C. Premiere of “Our Story: The Indigenous-Led Fight to Protect Greater Chaco”
A delegation of Indigenous community leaders and Greater Chaco protectors traveled from New Mexico to Washington D.C. to lobby members of congress for Greater Chaco protections, and premiere a film screening of the award-winning Our Story: The Indigenous Led Fight to Protect Greater Chaco (film trailer) which showcases the threats the Greater Chaco Landscape and its communities face from continued oil and gas leasing and drilling.
Continued leasing undercuts Greater Chaco progress
President Biden and Interior Secretary Haaland have taken steps to protect lands near Chaco Culture National Historical Park by initiating a 20-year pause on new oil and gas leasing and drilling within 10 miles of the park and Honoring Chaco Initiative. However, these protections should go further to include protecting the region’s air and water quality, the health and safety of surrounding communities, sacred sites throughout the landscape, and much more.
Coalition delivers 80K comments to Bureau of Land Management to “Truly Honor Chaco”
Commenters demand more meaningful protections for Greater Chaco and greater involvement of impacted communities For Immediate Release: May 6, 2022 (Photos) Santa Fe, NM – Today, the Greater Chaco Coalition/Frack Off Chaco, composed of environmental justice advocates, Indigenous grassroots organizations,
Greater Chaco Coalition and Citizens Caring for the Future Respond to Biden Administration’s Decision to Restart Oil and Gas Leasing in New Mexico
The Greater Chaco Coalition and Citizens Caring for the Future jointly issued a statement condemning the Department of the Interior’s decision to resume oil and gas leasing on public lands across the United States, including in New Mexico.