
New Mexicans Criticize the Trump Administration’s Reversal of EPA Oil and Gas Pollution Protections 

New Mexicans Criticize the Trump Administration’s Reversal of EPA Oil and Gas Pollution Protections 

On August 14, the US EPA finalized its proposals to eliminate methane protections from the EPA’s New Source Performance Standards. This rollback undermines EPA’s own mission by threatening public health, and disproportionately hurts Black and Brown communities who are already exposed to air pollution from oil and gas development at much higher rates – the same communities that are already suffering the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Court challenge: Feds cut out public on 40,802-acre NM oil and gas leases

Moving to protect the climate, public health, and to further environmental justice, a coalition filed suit to overturn the sale of leases on nearly 41,000 acres of public land in New Mexico for oil and gas drilling. The BLM did not allow a comment period on the lease sale’s draft environmental assessment, and held only a lightning-quick, 10-day protest period. In addition, the coalition charges that for this lease sale.

New Mexico Methane Action Alert

New Mexico Methane Action Alert

As we all deal with the uncertainty of this difficult time for our health and economy, it is more important than ever that New Mexico stays the course on critical public health initiatives to protect our children, our air and our climate. The New Mexico Environment Department and Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department are hosting an online meeting to gather public input about methane regulations and community impacts.