Rep. Romero has a near-perfect environmental voting record since being elected in 2014. He is a teacher and has fought for fair development policies.
District 11: Javier Martinez
Rep. Martinez is a key member of House leadership with a stellar environmental voting record since being elected in 2014. He sponsored the Sustainable Building Tax Credit bill that passed in 2021.
District 13: P Roybal Caballero
Rep. Roybal Caballero has a near-perfect environmental voting record since being elected in 2012. She sponsored the Community Solar Act and the Community Energy Efficiency Block Grant bill.
District 14: Miguel Garcia
Rep. Garcia has been one of our most reliable supporters for over a quarter century, supporting the environmental positions an astounding 96% of the time. He was a cosponsor of the Green Amendment.
District 15: Day Hochman-Vigil
Rep. Hochman-Vigil reclaimed this swing district for the good guys in 2018 and has been an outstanding environmental supporter ever since.
District 18: Gail Chasey
Over the last quarter century, Rep. Chasey has been one of our most reliable environmental votes. She sponsored the Environmental Data Act, making state environmental information available to all.
District 22: Augustine Montoya
Augie Montoya brings the important perspective of a younger person to our largely older legislature. Augie is bright, very knowledgeable, and personable. He is especially knowledgeable about water issues, and he could be the leader we need on that critical issue.
District 24: Liz Thomson
Rep. Thomson has been all but perfect in her support for environmental issues since her election in 2016. She co-sponsored the Green Amendment.
District 25: Christine Trujillo
In her decade of service in the legislature, Rep. Trujillo has been a model supporter of environmental legislation and is vocal on education and the environment in her role as an appropriations committee member.
District 26: Eleanor Chavez
Eleanor Chavez is a former state representative from 2009-12 who has worked for unions her whole life. She had a 100% environmental voting score for her time in the legislature.
District 27: Marian Matthews
Rep. Matthews is defending a difficult Albuquerque far Northeast Heights seat. During her first term in office, she had a perfect environmental voting record.
District 28: Pam Herndon
Rep. Herndon was appointed to fill Melanie Stansbury’s seat and had been a worthy successor, consistently supporting environmental issues and co-sponsoring the Green Amendment. She is CEO of a nonprofit that has pioneered novel solutions to address poverty for women and children.
District 29: Joy Garrett
Rep. Garratt is an educator who turned this seat blue in 2018. Since that time, she has been 100% perfect in her votes on environmental bills. Her priorities include education, access to affordable broadband, and health care, including behavioral health care.
District 30: Natalie Figueroa
Rep. Figueroa is an educator who turned this seat blue in 2018. Since that time, she has been 100% perfect in her votes on environmental bills, and she has been a leader in education legislation.
District 33: Micaela Cadena
Rep. Cadena led the repeal of New Mexico’s criminalization of abortion. She also was a key cosponsor of Electric Vehicle legislation.
District 35: Angelica Rubio
Rep. Rubio is the definition of a staunch ally. Since her election in 2016, she has never once failed to support us, as well as sponsoring a number of environmental bills. She was a lead sponsor of Sustainable Economy Taskforce legislation and funded a Dept of Workforce Solutions study of economic transition away from dependence on oil and gas royalties.
District 36: Nathan Small
Rep. Small has been a true environmental hero and one of the staunchest advocates for environmental legislation in the State House. He was instrumental in passing the Energy Transition Act, and he will be key to shepherding the Climate Future Act, a groundbreaking piece of legislation that will require a phased reduction in carbon emissions across all sectors of the economy. He’s also advocated for environmental agency budget increases in his role as Vice-Chair of the House Finance and Appropriations Committee.
District 37: Joanne Ferrary
Rep. Ferrary has served as a lead sponsor of the Green Amendment, in addition to sponsoring Community Solar, Solar and Geothermal Tax Credits and Utility Affordability Legislation.
District 38: Tara Jaramillo
Tara Jaramillo co-founded Positive Outcomes, Inc., which provides healthcare and therapy services to children and families. She is also a farmer in the Rio Grande Valley who has experienced the effects of climate change on her farm and believes we must urgently act to address the climate crisis.
District 39: Rodolpho “Rudy” Martinez
Rudy lost this House seat in a very tight race two years ago and is fighting to take it back. As a representative, Rudy was instrumental indefeating the disastrous Gila River diversion project and supported keeping the Gila a wild, free-flowing river. He opposes the low-altitude military overflights that threaten the Gila Wilderness and pledges to work to secure federal Wild & Scenic River protections for segments of the Gila and San Francisco Rivers.
District 44: Kathleen Cates
With redistricting, Kathleen has a great chance to defeat a long-time, anti-environmental incumbent. Climate is one of her priorities, and she supports increasing the budgets of the environmental agencies to allow them to adequately enforce our laws.
District 46: Andrea Romero
Environment is a top priority for Rep. Andrea Romero, and sheVhas a 100% enviro voting record. She’s sponsored Community Solar, the Water Data Act, and utility affordability legislation.
District 52: Doreen Gallegos
Rep. Gallegos serves as the Majority Whip in the House. It’s her job to get the Democratic Caucus aligned on key votes, and that is especially key for environmental votes.
District 65: Derrick Lente
Rep. Derrick Lente has led on tribal voting rights and education. He has special knowledge about agriculture and has sponsored memorials to protect Great Chaco.
District 68: Charlotte Little
Charlotte Little, an enrolled member of San Felipe and Taos Pueblos, is dedicated to addressing climate change and protecting our resources for future generations. As a state legislator, Charlotte pledges to be a champion for renewable energy and clean water for all.
2022 General Election links
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Richard Barish, Rio Grande Chapter Political Chair
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