
Pajarito to rejoin Northern Group

Pajarito to rejoin Northern Group

An online poll asked members if they would like to remain a separate Pajarito Group or rejoin the Northern Group. The separation occurred in 1998 to focus on Los Alamos National Laboratory issues and the Valles Caldera. The votes were 68% to rejoin Northern Group; 32% to stay independent Pajarito.

New Mexico Can Act to Prevent Ill-Advised Profit Scheme

New Mexico Can Act to Prevent Ill-Advised Profit Scheme

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is scheduled in early 2023 to grant Holtec International a license to ‘temporarily’ store high-level nuclear waste near Carlsbad. Federal law requires a permanent disposal site to be identified before any interim site is established, but no such site has been identified. We need state legislation to prevent this from happening.

Continued leasing undercuts Greater Chaco progress

Continued leasing undercuts Greater Chaco progress

President Biden and Interior Secretary Haaland have taken steps to protect lands near Chaco Culture National Historical Park by initiating a 20-year pause on new oil and gas leasing and drilling within 10 miles of the park and Honoring Chaco Initiative. However, these protections should go further to include protecting the region’s air and water quality, the health and safety of surrounding communities, sacred sites throughout the landscape, and much more.