Continue the momentum on February 13 as we focus on Lands, Water and Wildlife. If you have not registered, please do that first – participant registration form
8 am – sign in all day. All participants should sign in and get a participant folder at the Sierra Club table located on the west side of the Rotunda.
8 am – committee meetings throughout the day [ full list of hearings and meetings ].
9 am – information tables all day. An array of environmental groups, state and city agencies, and solar energy companies will have informational tables for you to peruse. These tables are on either side of the Rotunda on the ground floor of the Roundhouse.
9 am – panel discussion on lands, water and wildlife bills, Room 303. Come hear the details of the bills you want to lobby on. At the end of the panel session we’ll walk around in groups and do some lobbying.
- Stephanie Garcia Richard, Land Commissioner: Raise the Royalty Rate for Oil and Gas on State Lands (HB 398)
- Jessica Johnson, APNM: Ban coyote killing contests (SB 76); Ban traps, snares, and poisons on public lands (HB 366)
- Michael Dax, Defenders of Wildlife: Wildlife Corridors (SB 228); Game Commission Reform (HB 263); Wildlife Trafficking (SB 38).
- Ben Shelton, CVNM: Office of Outdoor Rec and Outdoor Equity Fund
- Kevin Bixby or Amanda Munroe, SWEC: Protect All Wildlife (SB 417)
- Judy Calman, NM Wild; Environmental Review Act (SB 206)
10 am – 11 am – screening of Cavu’s Unearthed, Room 307 (Cavu news reel, Chapter 3 on climate change in NM).
10 am – mingle on the House floor, find your representative
10:30 am – mingle on the Senate floor, find your senator
11 am – lobby training, Room 3o3
12 pm noon – Legislative speakers and trapping workshop. Meet in the Rotunda, all hand on deck.
- MC – David Coss, Former Mayor of Santa Fe and Chair of the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club
- Invited speakers – Stephanie Garcia Richard, Rep. Matt McQueen, Rep. Melanie Stansbury, Sen Jeff Steinborn
- Workshop – How to free your pet from a leg-hold trap
Lunch – There is a cafeteria open to the public on the 2nd/ground floor of the Roundhouse. They only accept cash.
1 pm – lobby training, Room 3o3
1 – 1:30 pm – mingling on the House & Senate Floors, find your legislators
2 pm – day ends
Location – New Mexico State Legislature, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501
Attire – Please wear business attire to the lobby day. Also please do not jeer at or otherwise speak disrespectfully to or towards others at the Roundhouse, for example in committee hearings. You may hear a person or entity stand up in committee and say something you disagree with. If you are rude or disrespectful the chair may request that you be removed. You are welcome to speak in committee but do not make personal attacks, simply speak on your views regarding a given bill. Rude behavior speaks badly of our group and can harm our efforts and contributes to an environment of disrespect.
Parking – There is often parking in the PERA building parking lot. You can also find parking in this multilevel parking lot.
Carpooling – We will send small-group emails to coordinate carpooling from various locations around the state.
For Albuquerque Carpoolers – On Wednesday, February 13th at 7am, people who are willing to drive or need a ride should meet at the Target a I-25 and Paseo del Norte. We’ll park in the lot just west of the Sprint store, closest to the Paseo edge of the parking lot.
Hotel – If you need a hotel room, make reservations at Garrett’s Desert Inn. Address: 311 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501, Phone: (505) 982-1851. The reduced room rate for Clean Energy Conference and Lobby Day and the Lands Water and Wildlife Day is $59 per night, $68.11 with taxes. Parking in the motel’s large parking lot will be free. When you make your reservation, make sure you tell them that you are with the Sierra Club’s conference and/or lobby day. The Desert Inn is conveniently located just down the street from the Roundhouse.
Scholarships – If you signed up for a scholarship, we will be in touch in a separate email. All scholarships have been approved. If you requested a scholarship for hotel, we are making those reservations for you.
Rest area – Room 303. Please don’t leave anything of value in the room. Jackets may be left in the room. We’ll have snacks available compliments of the Northern Group of the Sierra Club. This is also the room where lobby trainings will take place.
Record your testimony & make a climate ribbon. Visit the 350NM table to fill out your climate ribbon. 350 NM will also record your reason for acting on climate.
I would like to apply for lodging scholarship for The, Feb. 12, 3019, in order to attend early on the 13 th. Thanking you very much! I do not know if this is the correct way to apply.