
From leader Mark Dunham:

Trail 153 was cleared from Grant Parking area to the meadow by 6 Rio Grande Chapter Sierra Club volunteers, about 1.25 miles of aspen and some fir deadfall.  But a cross-cut crew is needed to clear ~21 downed fir beyond the meadow and up to Quemado Falls, and these trees range from 10″ to 30″ in diameter. After the waterfall one is above the large timber with little or no deadfall, and otherwise this trail is in fine shape and very deserving of clearing.  We hope the labor sheets from 6 of us for 9 hours each will help fund a crew to come in and do the heavy work, or perhaps Andy can lead some “A” sawyers in before the snow flies.

Here are a few pix to show the record.

Trip report – trail work on Rio Quemado