Early 2020 Endorsements for Environmental Champions

For immediate release:
January 17, 2020

Camilla Feibelman, Director, Sierra Club, Rio Grande Chapter, (505) 715-8388, camilla.feibelman@sierraclub.org
Richard Barish, Political Chair, Sierra Club, Rio Grande Chapter, richard.barish@gmail.com

Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter announces early endorsements for environmental champions

Albuquerque, NM – The Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club on Friday issued its early 2020 endorsements of incumbent legislators who are leading environmental champions.

“The candidates on this list have sponsored critical environmental legislation and have outstanding voting records over the last three years on pro-environment bills. They have proven they are committed to protecting our climate, water, land and wildlife here in New Mexico,” said Richard Barish, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter political chair.

“Because of the commitment and leadership of legislators like Representatives Brian Egolf, Matthew McQueen and Patricia Roybal Caballero and Senator Liz Stefanics, New Mexico now has a nation-leading renewable-energy standard through the Energy Transition Act; we have finally outlawed cruel coyote-killing contests; our state regulators once again have the authority to fine oil and gas violators; and we are poised to make solar energy more accessible and affordable to all New Mexicans,” said Camilla Feibelman, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter director.  “Some of these incumbents already have active opponents, and it’s important to support candidates who have proven their commitment to climate, wildlife and clean water through their voting records and active advocacy.”

The Sierra Club will announce further state endorsements after the candidate filing deadline. There are many legislators with excellent environmental voting records, however, this list is limited to those candidates who also were sponsors of the Sierra Club’s priority bills.

The Rio Grande Chapter helps elect pro-environment candidates through communication to its 40,000 supporters in New Mexico using its large corps of volunteers to knock on doors and call voters and by investing our resources to reach voters.


State House of Representatives
District 5:  Wonda Johnson
District 13: Patricia Roybal Caballero
District 18: Gail Chasey
District 21: Debbie Sariñana
District 26: Georgene Louis
District 28: Melanie Stansbury
District 29: Joy Garrett
District 35: Angelica Rubio
District 36: Nathan Small
District 37: Joanne Ferrary
District 39: Rudy Martinez
District 43: Christine Chandler
District 46: Andrea Romero
District 47: Brian Egolf
District 50: Matthew McQueen
District 65: Derrick Lente

State Senate 
District 12: Gerald Ortiz y Pino
District 16: Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
District 17: Mimi Stewart
District 25: Peter Wirth
District 26: Jacob Candelaria
District 36: Jeff Steinborn
District 39: Elizabeth “Liz” Stefanics


Paid for by the the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club PAC.

Early 2020 Endorsements for Environmental Champions