Want to lead hikes for the Rio Grande Sierra Club?

We want you! As a Sierra Club Outings leader, you will join others in exploring our wild lands and share your love for nature with others. You could be hiking, backpacking, kayaking, bicycling or doing service work — it’s up to you, because you ultimately design and lead your very own trips.

The requirements to become a certified outings leader are:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Complete Outings Leader Training
  • Complete First Aid and CPR training
  • Complete at least one provisional hike in the company of a certified outings leader

Outings leaders training (OLT-101) will be offered on Saturday, March 7th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and will be held at our Albuquerque office, 2215 Lead Ave. SE.  

If you are already an outings leader and it’s been four years since you last attended, this is a great opportunity to meet the refresher training requirement, and get the most up-to-date information. 

This training will provide current and prospective outing leaders with the tools and information they need to lead safe, inspiring and fun outing. Attendees will receive a resource packet that includes the Outings Leader Handbook and update, a Trailhead Talk laminated card, an Emergency Response laminated card and a Leave No Trace laminated card.

If you are interested and have questions, please contact Terry Owen, teowen@comcast.net (505) 301-4349. Register for the course by March 4, 2020. 

Want to lead hikes for the Rio Grande Sierra Club?