Rio Grande Green: Fundraising Report

By the Friend and Fund Development Committee

Thank you New Mexico and West Texas members, donors and supporters of the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club! You continue to be amazing.

As the current federal administration rolls back environmental protections, it is even more critical for us all to be working on local and state elections, laws and policies to curb the impacts of climate change and protect the air, lands and water where we live. We have and continue to set an example for other states and cities throughout the country. We have become leaders!

Working together, through our membership, giving and volunteering, supports that leadership.

By the numbers

Membership: 1,544 new members
Remember that when you join or renew your Sierra Club membership through the Chapter’s website, it brings more money back to New Mexico! Not a member? Join here.

Donations: $181,390
These are gifts above and beyond annual membership. If you aren’t already a monthly donor, consider becoming one. Those gifts help our Chapter’s work steadily throughout the year. A gift of $10 or more each month, which is about the cost of having a coffee at your favorite shop two days each month, can make a real difference. Go to our website and select ‘Regular Donation’. Be sure to check the box for monthly donations.

Volunteers: 739 hours (3rd quarter)
Sierra Club is a grassroots organization! Our volunteers make the wheels turn with the support and leadership of our outstanding staff. Starting this quarter, many of our volunteers have begun tracking their hours. This quarter’s total is just a fraction of the time donated to planning and having a presence at events, phone calling, and working with partners and our elected representatives to pass policies that will protect our climate, wildlife, land and water. If you’d like to get more involved, please give us a call at (505) 243-7767 or email riogrande.chapter@sierraclub.org.

Ways to help

Action Auction
Make Action Happen: Support the Rio Grande Chapter by participating in our on-line auction. Navajo rugs, wildlife paintings, a cabin retreat, a stay at the Hotel Santa Fe Resort and Spa, REI gift cards and so much more have been donated to the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club for our first live, on-line auction. Why on-line? We want all of our members, donors and supporters to have the opportunity to join in.

The bidding will be open from November 3 to 17. What a great opportunity to do some special holiday gift shopping. Watch your email, like our Facebook page, or bookmark our post for the preview and announcements to set up your bidder account.

Giving Tuesday  
There’s Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and then there’s Giving Back on Tuesday, December 3. The Rio Grande Chapter is looking for volunteers. Join us! Call (505) 243-7767 or email us at riogrande.chapter@sierraclub.org.

Saving Our Enchanted Lands prints
Do not miss this opportunity to receive a rare print of Jan Bartelstone photographs of iconic New Mexico landscapes as a thank-you for your donation of $150 or more.

Volunteer hero

This month, we are sad to see our Chapter Outings chair, Odile de la Beaujardiere, and her husband Jean Marie move to Colorado to be closer to family. Odile helped revitalize the Central New Mexico Group’s outings program. She led dozens of outings in her time with the Sierra Club, and she has been one of our most active volunteers, writing letters to the editor, showing up at City Council meetings, legislative committee hearings and chapter meetings as well as taking on the role of Chapter outings chair when Norma McCallan passed away.  Odile’s outings were always capped off by a special meal and drinks at her home.

Odile has been a pleasure to work alongside, and we will truly miss her, but wish her well in Colorado!

Rio Grande Green: Fundraising Report