Kids climate program, chapter hit funding goal

By Mike Hopkins, Global Warming Express board

The July fundraiser with The Global Warming Express results in 250% expansion of GWE Program!

As you may know, The Global Warming Express (GWE) and the Rio Grande Chapter hosted a joint fundraising event on July 21 at the Hotel Santa Fe. Attended by more than 150 Sierra Club members and GWE supporters, the event helped push fundraising over the $30,000 threshold for the chapter and GWE to continue working together. Through the generosity of the attendees and other donors, the GWE after-school program has expanded from two schools in the 2016-2017 year to seven for the fall 2017 term, including schools in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Las Cruces.

At the event, former Santa Fe Mayor David Coss and current Mayor Javier Gonzales explained why they support GWE. GWE founder Marina Weber read an excerpt from The Global Warming Express, the newly published book that she co-authored with co-founder Joanna Whysner. GWE kids Asha and Ruby spoke about the urgency of dealing with climate change and the need to support programs like GWE.

And GWE Executive Director Genie Stevens recruited seven highly qualified mentors from the Rio Grande Chapter membership to lead the program in this year’s schools. At an anticipated participation of approximately 15 students per school, this year’s GWE program will be reaching more than 100 students — a big step forward for the program.

Our ambitions are much bigger, though. We are looking ahead to further expansion of the GWE program to all of New Mexico. You can help make this a lasting program with the Sierra Club by making a donation that will go specifically to supporting GWE.

Kids climate program, chapter hit funding goal