Photo of plastic bags as trash for the Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter website

We’re asking for a simple signature on a change.org petition:

The Los Alamos High School EcoClub is taking on the very powerful plastics industry as well as Los Alamos citizens who believe access to a free single-use plastic shopping bag is more important than reducing the effects of this toxin on the Earth now as well as the Earth the students will inherit in the future. When the students get 1000 signatures, they will present the petition to the County Council.

Here is the EcoClub’s petition. Please read it. If you read it, you will sign it.

Why 1000 you ask? That is the number the Council required when they tabled our Sierra Club measure four years ago. Even now, few councilors are willing to take on this effort unless there is overwhelming support (by overwhelming, they mean enough to overwhelm the vehement opposition).

We will be coming back to you for help on this.

Support the Los Alamos High School EcoClub