Rally to Keep the Gila Wild – July 2

The Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and the New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) have initiated preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Gila River diversion project (NM Unit) proposed by the NM Central Arizona Project (CAP) Entity. During the public scoping period scheduled for June 12 – July 20, 2018, the BOR and ISC are requesting public comment on the issues that should be analyzed in the NM Unit EIS.

Flowing out of America’s first Wilderness Area, the Gila River is New Mexico’s last major undammed river. It’s home to seven threatened or endangered species and is proposed for long-term protection under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.

The proposed NM Unit is expensive, unaffordable and unfair and will harm threatened and endangered species and riparian habitat along the Gila and San Francisco rivers. The NM CAP Entity’s intention to divert in the future the full 14,000 acre-feet per year under the AWSA is speculative and unnecessary.

Attend a rally in opposition to the Gila River diversion on July 2 at 5pm at the State Bar of NM at 5121 Masthead St. NE in Albuquerque. As part of the rally, please join us to make public comment at the scoping meeting from 4pm to 7 pm.

Other scoping meetings: July 6, Chandler AZ; July 7, San Carlos AZ; July 9, Silver City NM; July 10, Gila Cliffs; July 11, Glenwood NM; July 12, Virden NM; July 13, Safford AZ

For directions on how to submit comments online or by US mail or email, look here.

Fact Sheet from the Gila Conservation Coalition

Rally to Keep the Gila Wild – July 2